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The most anticipated multi-class regatta in Miami will take place from March 5th to March 11th, 17.
Teams representing countries from all over the world will meet again and line up under Miami’s sunny skies on Biscayne Bay to compete for the celebrate Bacardi Cup and the BMSW regatta trophy.
The Star Class will compete for the 9th time in the Bacardi Cup, the VIPER 64will be back challenging their EFG Pan-American Championship, the J7s, the VX Ones . the A-Cats and the Melges 4s are coming back
numerously for their nd, rd and 4th year. The VX Evos and the Flying Tigers 7.5 boats will compete in the BMSW for the first time.
We would also like to welcome back Essaydeutsch.com our sponsors that through their commitment enhance the regatta for everyone. On behalf of everyone: thank you very much for supporting the event!
BACARDI Miami Sailing Week is a STUDIOMILANO event. SPONSORSHIP opportunities are available.
In two months’ time, in Miami, the historic Star regatta will take place in Biscayne Bay: from 197 to nowadays the BacardiCup is among the most loved and attended regatta. Won in the past by heroes of the our sport, it evolved into a multi boats event known as Bacardi Sailing Week . This year, for the first time ever, Star Sailors League will join forces and will cover it with live streaming, full media coverage and invitation of VIPs in SSL style.
The BacardiCup is not a SSL Grand Slam, but it will give as many points as any other GS as it absolutely resembles the idea of the SSLSeaGrandSlam the one that celebrates sailing tradition with long legs, one hours-race per day and no knockout series at the end.
We are looking forward to it. You should too )). See More See Less
Check out this cool video about Miami Sailing Week! Don’t miss out on the fun! Come sail with us from March 5-11th, 17 www.miamisailingweek.com